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    I found this website by Amazon, and tried the “contact” option at the bottom, but not sure if I was talking to an author or who.

    I’m a guy, I like black women. I have a baby with the one I’m with now. We have been together for a couple years. I tried getting her to write a book about our story, she’s a good writer but I helped her with things she doesn’t really know about (mostly things that actually happened from my perspective) for realism. What she wrote was good, and I wish she’d finished because our story is a pretty crazy one and I was going to get a kick out of someone saying it didn’t seem believable or something. She lost interest in writing it though.

    I’ve been reading a lot of these (I try to avoid ones involving safe sex and the thousands with “billionaire” in the title). and I’m interested in writing or helping someone. I really wouldn’t even care if someone took credit for mine. I didn’t really write sex scenes for her but I like doing it, and like the stuff I helped her with it’s usually based on actual women I’ve been with. I don’t know a lot about how to publish anything on Amazon but I’m mostly interested in short stories. I can write one and send it to someone if they want me to. I’m probably worse than her when it comes to having the attention span to write a full book, that’s why I would either like to write short stories or just help someone make theirs better.

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