Alexa Day is the author of BWWM romances such as Illicit Impulse and more. I recently got to catch up with her, the interview is below.
J A Fielding: Hi Alexa, thank you for agreeing to do this interview with me. How’s life treating you?
Alexa Day: Life is great! It’s crazy busy right now. Very exciting, and full of great surprises, but crazy busy. It’s a blessing, though, to be able to work this hard at something I have always dreamed of doing.
JAF: I actually came across all that is Alexa Day when I stumbled upon an interesting conversation between yourself and Madeline Iva. For those that haven’t read that, can you give us a quick overview of what that was all about?
AD: That was a really cool conversation. Madeline and I are on a group blog called Lady Smut; I blog on Sundays. I posted about interracial romances one week, and she asked me in the comments about the difference between ‘black woman white man’ romance novels and ‘black man white woman’ books. I had no idea what she was talking about! I think I dodged the question.
After my second interracial romance post, I noticed that people were clicking on both posts. A lot. And that kind of surprised me. I guess I didn’t think that many other people were seeking out information about those books. I asked her if she had any specific questions she wanted me to answer about the genre because I honestly couldn’t figure out what people did and didn’t know about IR novels. And she asked the same question: what’s the difference between BWWM novels and BMWW novels?
I think she thought interracial romances revolved around the interracial part, and that is a totally fair conclusion for her to draw. After all, historical romances are rooted in history, inspirational romances are based on faith, and paranormal romances are about paranormal entities. So the conversation she posted is basically the entire email conversation we had about interracial romances. It’s a very basic intro to interracial romances. I was surprised by how many folks need that intro – you know, you always think everyone knows about whatever it is you’re involved in. But I’m equally inspired by the number of folks who have found that post and gotten some value from it.
JAF: Very interesting, I think that was a good introduction to the subject for those who didn’t already know. So how would you define your role in the ‘black woman white man romance’ industry? As from the look of your website you do more than just write books?
AD: Oh, no, I just write books. I’m glad the site looks so good! But right now, blogging, writing, and the day job are all I can manage.
JAF: So what can readers expect when they read an Alexa Day book?

AD: I like a very smart, very sex-positive heroine. No shrinking violets in my books! My heroines know what they want in bed and out. I write erotica and erotic romance, so there is a good bit of sex, but the sex is essential to the relationship in the story. One of my editors called my work “thinky reading,” and I love that! I want to stimulate the intellect and the libido.
JAF: You’ve currently put out two books, Illicit Impulse and more recently Turnabout Day. Which one would you suggest people new to your work check out first and why?
AD: Well, I’m going to be absolutely practical about this because I think new readers appreciate practicality. I think people new to my work should start with “Turnabout Day.” It’s a pretty good example of my style, so people will get a sense for the way I write, and it’s very short. I think it’s about 20 pages from cover to cover. That way, if people like the way I write, they can pick up Illicit Impulse, which is longer. If they don’t care for it, they’ve only lost 99 cents.
JAF: What’s your next BWWM romance book going to be about? And do you have a rough release date?
AD: I’m still working on the sequel to Illicit Impulse; I’ve got to make sure that the “other man” from the first book gets his happily ever after, too. He has had a very easy time of things with women, so I have to make him work for it first. Since the draft is still with me, I’m not sure of a release date, but I can’t wait to reach the end of the story!
JAF: Sounds good, I’ll definitley look out for so. So if readers of this interview want to keep in contact, where can they can up with you?
AD: I’m all over social media! Might be why the next book is taking so daggone long. Here are all the places to find me:
My website is at I get there when I can, and I’m on every Sunday.
I’m on Twitter to watch Scandal, The Haves and the Have Nots, The Walking Dead, and Sleepy Hollow. (Again, this is why the next book is taking so long!) I’m at
And I’m in two places on Facebook. I post pictures of hot shirtless dudes on my Author Page, along with occasional bits of news; that’s If you’re actually interested in news and real stuff I’m doing instead of pretty pictures, I’m at I recommend hitting me in both places on Facebook. Unless the rules change again, I will have to move everyone over to the Author Page one day, and it’ll be easier for folks who are there already.
JAF: Wow, that’s a lot of places Alexa Day. Thanks for the BWWM romance author interview. 🙂
I love to read Interracial romance novels
I love them, too, Shirley! And isn’t it great that there are so many of them to choose from now?
Hi, Alexa! I didn’t know about this site until I saw your link on Facebook. Sounds like you are a busy lady lately. I’ve got both a BWWM and BMWW book up my sleeve. Both were fun to write.