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The Homes And Hearts Series Continues With ‘My Man, My Family’!

Great news guys! The follow up to my last book ‘Jealousy And Trust’ is out now and is only 99c for a limited time! 24 hours to be exact, so pick up your copy before the price goes back up to $2.99:

My Man, My Family

It also works as a stand alone story, so even if you haven’t read the previous part you can still enjoy it as it is.

If you’re on Kindle Unlimited you can also pick it up now as part of your subscription; just be sure to pick up and read the other parts too. 🙂

A HUGE thank you to those who enjoyed and left reviews on my last book:

Ladytee20747, Jacqueline Jefferson, MUSICLADY63, MzTrayuno4u, Mocha Dee “Mocha Dee”, Crystal, LaShell Currie, all the ‘Kindle Customer’s and ‘Amazon Customer’s, Griffin, DeedeeC “Deedeec”, Sam, Stephanie, Kindle Customer “Brim Clad”, and Linda.

I look forward to seeing your review on this book; don’t forget to give suggestions (in the review) for some things that should happen in the next part and I’ll use the best ideas. 🙂

Speak soon, and remember you can get the new book on sale here.

J A Fielding,
BWWM Romance (.com)

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