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An Interview With BWWM Author Sienna Mynx – Meeting Fans, Cruises And More

Interview with BWWM Author Sienna Mynx

Sienna Mynx BooksRecently I had the privilege of catching up with popular BWWM romance author Sienna Mynx (image to the right)! We got to discuss which of her books she’s most proud of, meeting fans in person, video blogs and much more. I hope you enjoy it. 🙂

J A Fielding ( Hello there Sienna Mynx, I hope you’re having a wonderful start to the day. First of all, for those that aren’t yet familiar with your work, let us know who you are and what you do.

Sienna Mynx: I’m an author of 32 sensual interracial romances. My stories cross genres from historical, contemporary, and crime romance. At this time my best selling books have been under a collection called the Battaglia Mafia Series.

JAF: Looking back at your back catalog, I can see you’ve been writing interracial romance novels (particularly ones involving white men and black woman) for a while now. How long has it been? And what got your started in this particular genre?

SM: I published my first book in 2010. However, I’ve been writing (blogging free fan fiction stories) since 2004. I got started in this genre through soap opera fan fiction. To make a long story short I had a taste to do more, and explored writing my stories for free on different blog sites. Readers, friends, and a few published authors told me I should try to get published. And here I am.

JAF: Good stuff. So what’s your favorite BWWM book you’ve written so far and why?

SM: Hard to say I have a favorite. I love all my books. I think my Mel and Tia books (Funny Valentine, St. Patty’s Day Baby, Baby Love) were awesome to write. My faves now are the books in my Battaglia Series. I went to Italy to do the research for the books and its really challenged me to be a better writer.

JAF: Now that’s what you call dedication; going to another country to do research on a book! Speaking of doing things differently, not many BWWM authors come out and do video blogs (vlogs) for all to see. Do you think this is something that’s helped you make a stronger connection with your readers?

SM: I have a lot of opinions. LOL! It was natural for me to get on camera and share my views. Authors tend to keep themselves separate from their pennames. And I think that’s wise. However we live in different times. People are posting selfies every millisecond. Readers can google you and find your address. I want to share who I am and give my thoughts on my work. I think it has helped me more than done any harm.

One of Sienna Mynx’s vlogs:

JAF: I’m not surprised, I personally find your vlogs quite gripping. Now I see you’re going to be taking part in the IR Romance Readers Cruise 2014. Can you tell our readers a bit about that?

IR Romance Readers Cruise Ship 2014SM: Sure. The idea of the cruise came from my fans. They asked for a chance to do an event with me. One of my fans was a travel agent and suggested we all set sail. Well I hate open bodies of water. Terrified of it actually. I invited my author friends to come out and celebrate. They joined me and the readers had a blast! We got such an overwhelming response we decided to set sail again. This year we are taking twice as many readers and some new and established authors. We do workshops, we party, we do fun excursions. We celebrate what we love about this genre. I’m grateful for it.

JAF: I’m going to be nosey and ask what you’ve got in the pipeline for your many fans, is there any exclusives BWWM Romance can get for their readers?

SM: Of course you can ask. I am working on the next installment to the Battaglia Series. But I have a new book called Someone to watch over me. An ex-con turned private investigator is hired to track down the daughter of a dangerous black biker gang. In doing so he’s thrown into her world and soon takes residence in her heart.

JAF: I’m sure my readers will be interested in those. Before we go, is there anything else you want to say to your fans?

SM: I want to give a big thank you to the readers and fans of this genre. There is something special and refreshing about what we have here. Love across color lines that feature black and brown women as the leading heroines is rarely represented in any media. Being desired. Being normal. Being anything but the stereotype is what we want to see. So support the genre. Stay invested.

JAF: And where can people keep up with your latest goings ons?

SM: If anyone wants to learn more about me and my work please visit my website:

You can see all Sienna’s books here.

4 thoughts on “An Interview With BWWM Author Sienna Mynx – Meeting Fans, Cruises And More”

  1. PatriciaMcgee

    I love reading your books, they are different than some of the others that are out , some have the same old story line

  2. Thank you for the interview with sienna mynx. This is a good way to keep up with the authors and their work. Sienna is one of my favorites and I desperately waiting for the battaglia book to come out.

  3. I the the interview with Sienne I hope you do more interview with authors who write about BWWM romance. Job well done JA Fielding

  4. Thanks for sharing the interview. SM has and always will be one of my favorite writers

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