Hi there, I hope you’ve had a great start to the week! I’ve got something a bit different for you today; a BWWM author interview! Recently I caught up with popular BWWM romance writer Sienna Mynx to talk books, meeting fans and much more. You can see the full thing here:
Interview with BWWM Author Sienna Mynx (also links to her books)
I’ve another interview for you lined up next week as well (Update: out now, details below), but for now have a look at this one and let me know if this is something you’d want more of. Alongside the new books of course. 🙂
P.S. A big thank you to those of you who have made my My Man, My Family book another top 5 African American romance (peaked at number 4 so far). If you haven’t got your copy yet, pick one up now.
Speak soon. 🙂
Update: Alexa Day Interview
Hi there, I hope you’re well? Just a quick heads up to let you know about a new interview I’ve put on the site. It’s with BWWM romance author Alexa Day, so check it out to see some of her books and a lot more about her beside:
See the book and interview here.
Just so you know I’m away this week, so there won’t be any new books from the BWWM Romance camp this weekend. I’ll still be writing while I’m away though (and of course the others will too), so expect a new book in the not too distant future.
Speak soon *|FNAME|*, and see the above mentioned interview.
P.S. If you want some books to read while I’m away, check out the BWWM Books page to see a selection of great ones you can read now. There are plenty there to get your hands on. 🙂
J A Fielding,
BWWM Romance (.com)